Thursday, 17 December 2015

Nail Polish Photo Frame // DIY

Hello everyone,

It's almost Christmas!! I'm super excited, and I'm getting pretty festive. I've also been Christmas shopping and buying presents for people.

Something I love doing to save money and making a gift more personal is making DIY gifts.

I recently tried this DIY out and I really love it, and thought it would be useful to share with you guys just incase you wanted to do this gift idea for a friend or family member. It's a decorated photo frame, and I've painted a design on it using nail polish - how cool is that!

(Just ignore the example picture in the frame! I should've taken it out but i forgot hahah)

You will need:

♥ A plain wooden photo frame 
♥ Nail polish 
♥ Sticky tape (only if you want straight lines on your design) 

I bought a cheap photo frame for less than five dollars from the Reject Shop, and it was perfect as it was wooden, a flat surface and the frame itself was quite wide so there was more space to put the design.

The first thing I did was place some sticky tape on the frame so I could use it as a stencil for dead straight lines. I painted in between the tape, waited around 30 seconds then removed the tape. Make sure your tape is pressed down fully onto the frame, otherwise the nail polish could seep under the tape and create messy lines.

After I had all the lines I wanted, I just dotted the nail polish around until I achieved my desired look.

I absolutely love how mine turned out, and now I want to do this on all my photo frames! I also think this is a perfect gift idea for Christmas, and the receiver will love that you put time and effort into personalising their gift.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I hope this fun and creative post made up for my extended absence, but I've missed posting, too. Now I'm back on schedule :)

Bye for now,

Spring Baby aka Jess

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